Try Coaching! Call Rick for a half hour complimentary coaching session. 651-653-8732
How to Contact Us
Richard K. Hammitt
P O Box 10732
White Bear Lake, MN 55110-0732
Or, please fill in this form. How I can help you?
[Required fields are marked with an *.]
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Last Name: *
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What days/times are generally good times for me to reach you by phone?
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Complimentary one-half hour of coaching
I'd like to arrange a free, one-half hour telephone coaching session for me.
Individual Coaching
I am ready to make an investment in my transition or business development and would like to talk about the next steps.
Group Coaching/ Teleclasses
I am interested in your group coaching sessions or programs. I want information about your classes-by-telephone - teleclasses.
Speaker engagement or On-Site Workshop
I know a group or organization that may be interested in inviting you as a speaker. Or I would like to discuss an on-site workshop or seminar.
MAPP™ Executive Package Personal Appraisal
I interested in taking the Executive Personal Appraisal - the MAPP. I’ll receive an in-depth look at my motivations; discover what really drives me. The MAPP Personal Appraisal provides multiple views of individual worker motivations and personal traits. It may confirm and empower what I already know, or it may open my eyes and direct me to new levels of confidence. The appraisal is taken on a secure website. Includes half-hour of career coaching free! A special price of $129.95.
How can I help you?* Please describe your individual or business challenge. What do you hope to accomplish by working with a coach? (Please provide your information. All information is kept confidential.)
How did you hear about Richard K. Hammitt?
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