Get Coached – It Works
My name is Rick and I am a transition coach. What does that mean? Well, let me answer you with some examples. I coach people and business through:
· Business growth
· Unemployment to employment
· Major career changes
· Leadership challenges
· Communications challenges
· Team building
· Living by your values
· Customer value
Who Do You Coach?
I coach entrepreneurs, professionals, small business owners and municipal government leadership who are in transition. I help people and companies identify, own, process and get-through their transitions.
Work Through Transitions
I work with individuals and businesses which want to successfully work through transition. You know them – the ones who have vision and courage to live their lives and do their business successfully. I work to inspire – not motivate – people to change and enhance themselves or their business.
Too Many Choices
There are far too many choices available to all of us to try to experience them all. While some individuals are uncertain to what choices they have, some companies decide by their actions that it’s safer to remain doing the same old non-productive process – what a profit losing decision to make. Yes, individuals do that too.
Life’s Not A Lifestyle
Most people aren’t satisfied with their choices because the choices are not based on their values. Many professionals haven’t clearly identified their values and bounce between their different choices. Many people develop a lifestyle and not a life? People think or sense there is a better way, but how and who can help? Companies can decide to base their service, products and relation-to-customers on their values. Well, are you ready? Let’s get started now...
Basic Approach
I offer a consistent, down-to-basics approach to bridge through the gaps in living your personal and business life. In short you have only one life or business. I’m sure that sounds familiar, but how do the parts of your life – personal, business and relational – focus and blend into one life? How do the parts of your business fit into your business values?
How Many Parts?
How many parts are there in your business or personal life? Are those parts not reflected in your personal life? Do you do what you say you will do for your customers? How does your lifestyle fit within your family life? What if you’re rebuilding from divorce? What if your business is not working? What if you’re rebuilding from a business?
Not Satisfied?
Why do successful lifestyle people – you know them – maybe you are one – feel something is missing, something is lacking, they’re not satisfied? How can a person with a great job, wonderful spouse and kids feel a gap in their life? What have they become?
They have a lifestyle and not a life. Their choices are based what looks good and feels better. Ok, but they bounce between the latest/greatest and what they value. They are not living what is important to them. A life can focus on what is important to you - what you value. When companies spent more time, energy, and money on telling customers what they do for them, how do they demonstrate their value of the customer? What value do they add?
Personal/Business Foundation
I start with helping you identify what is important to you based on your values - you know the foundation which the rest of life reflects and is meaningful and works. The best way to the future is to create it today. With focusing on what is important to you, your action leads to the process of working your goal.
What’s Your Vision?
I coach professionals who are overstressed but still want to accomplish really big goals. What’s your goal? Who senses not a fit between your lifestyle and your life? Who wants to get to the other side of their vision? What entrepreneur thinks they can do it all? In short, you’ll realize it is a transition that you progress from identifying to owning and you’ll continue processing the goals of your vision until you get through.
Valued Life or Business!
What is important to you? I‘ll customize my approach based on your needs. I‘ll encourage and support you to identify your vision, focus on your goals and take your true direction through all the bends and turns towards your valued life or business.

Complimentary Coaching Session
Well, if I can be your chief supporter and main sounding board, let's talk. Try my one-half hour complimentary coaching session. It’s a good opportunity for you to experience what coaching can mean for you.
For business coaching of several management members, teams, or whole companies, non-profits or group coaching via phone or in-person coaching, please call 651-653-8732 or email Rick@WhoYouBecome.com |